Female student sexually harassed teacher

College student Kylie Rocket gets caught filming herself masturbating in class and her professor takes her to see the dean, Isiah Maxwell. While waiting alone in his office, Kylie takes advantage and plays with her pussy on camera. Isiah walks in on her, unnoticed at first, and peeks at the horny kid, groping his bulge until she sees him. He tries to act authoritative, but Kylie knows she has him wrapped around her finger, eyeing the hard cock hidden in his pants. Kylie teases and seduces Isiah, offering to include him in her next camgirl video and be his sidekick if he lets her off with just a slap on the wrist! Isiah would be stupid to turn down such an offer, right? Kylie sucks Isiah's big cock and lets him dominate her pussy, getting pounded hard with a fucking load all over his desk and all over his office!

Female student sexually harassed teacher

Female student sexually harassed teacher